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Wednesday 13 June 2012

Walking Or Running Somewhere Different

     Sometimes you just have to try it. Sometimes you just have to get out of your comfort zone by running or walking in a new area. We get so comfortable simply walking out the door and heading down the same route over and over again. Now, first of all, it is awesome that you ARE walking or running. But, there is a lot to be said for just trying somewhere new and different. 
     For example, I have been running in Antigonish for quite some time now and mostly the same 2 or 3 routes. However, now I find myself in the state of New York running down new roads and into new places I have never been before and it is actually pretty awesome. Just running somewhere new allows me to see different scenery,  meet new fitness enthusiasts along the way while allowing your body to adjust to the new terrain, climate and location. 
    Now, I am not saying you need to travel to change your running, but just going left down your driveway instead of right can create the same atmosphere I mentioned above.for example, last summer when my grandmother attended my Health & Wellness camp which was a ten minute drive from her house, she walked a new route with new hills and a new terrain everyday for that week. She challenged herself and her comfort zone and absolutely loved it! Our bodies change, our lives change and our priorities change as we grow up; why should your running routes not change with you? 
     I encourage you all to venture out and walk somewhere new, run in a new park or down a new road. Blaze new trails and push yourself in new ways. Enjoy the journey along the way as much as your results at the end of the day. 

Ryan Fahey
BA Human Kinetics
CPTN Canada
Canfitpro FIS, PTS

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