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Friday 2 March 2012

Peanut Butter!

Good day folks. First of all, I want to thank all of you for habitually checking my blogs. From Croatia and Kuwait to Korea there have been viewers checking in from around the world. I am glad you find my postings interesting! Keep following!
            Now, lets get into today’s topic. Peanut butter. Peanut butter is awesome folks. I apologize if any of you reading this blog has a peanut allergy! But, if you do not have a peanut allergy, I encourage you to start consuming peanut butter. Now, there are many types of peanut butter out there so I am going to help you make smart pb choices. There are low fat pbs, regular fat pbs, omega-3 enriched pbs, natural pbs and even whipped pb (which is terrible, I tried it). Being a pb fanatic, I have had my share of pb taste testing. However, when it comes to health and wellness, sometimes taste needs to take a back seat to health.
            I have tried the icing sugar filled pb myself, being conned into the idea of it having less fat but I ultimately found that I was somewhat addicted to THAT particular type of pb. When I started feeling this way I looked at the ingredients and saw the icing sugar content. I realized at that moment that I was addicted to the “high” or “sugar rush” which low fat pb was providing me! Grrrr! So, I switched!
            Low fat pbs often have icing sugar listed high on the ingredient list and often contain more sodium than the regular fat pbs. This icing sugar gives you a blood sugar spike similar to when you have frosting on a cake. Therefore, logic would conclude that low fat pb should be labeled, “Low fat pb icing”. HAHAHA. 
             Next up is you regular or often “smooth” fat pbs. These pbs are often not filled with icing sugar but have a higher fat quantity than the low fat pbs. With that in mind I say, pick the battle you want. Fat or sugar? Fats from pb can provide you with more energy and not give you as high of a sugar spike as does the low fat pbs. However, there is still a better option!
            Natural pb! Natural pb! Natural pb usually contains 100% peanuts and is often higher in fat that the more manufactured types. However, natural is the best. Anytime you can consume something that is more natural than something else it should logically be better for you (in terms of nutrition and food intake). Natural pb often contains fewer carbs and sugars than the other types I mentioned above. I have attached a picture of Kraft natural pb so that you have a visual guide when shopping!

Ryan Fahey
B.A Human Kinetics
CPTN Canada

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