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Tuesday 7 February 2012

Keeping treadmill runs fun!

   So I was running on the treadmill in the X gym the other day when it hit me.. Wow, my treadmill run is boring. Hahaha, go figure. Who knew that running on the spot for 30 minutes could bore you out of your attention tree. Well, it happened to me. (That's right! Even trainer's are human!)
   However, as I realized this I thought about the words, "right effort". Right effort is the term coined in the book, "The Art and Zen of Running", whereby the author talks about realizing negativity during your running and nipping it in the butt. He states that realizing your bored and doing something about it are two separate things. Recognizing negativity is part 1, doing something to correct that negativity is part 2. Part 2 is tricky, and for those who detest running, trying to eliminate boredom or negativity can be key in your future successes of running.
  See, I took the knowledge of "right effort" and applied it to my treadmill run. I was only 13 minutes into my run when this boredom set in and I felt stupid being on the treadmill. However, I recognized this and found a way out of it. I simply turned on my iPod, found a new song (wild ones by Flo Rida) and got right back in the saddle for the last 17 minutes of my run. Before I knew it I was feeling that runners' high and felt as if I could run forever. I proceeded to push hard and finish my run full stride and getting a great sweat session in. My "right effort" tactics payed off.
   I tell you this because I want you to know that you are not alone. Anyone go has ever ran on a treadmill can identify with the boredom factor I mentioned above. It is important to find ways for each of us to avoid boredom and negativity attached to running in our own ways. It is like anything else we do in life that we love. Someways we just are not fully there, while other days we are on top of the world and unstoppable. Sometimes, running can be difficult and hard on us mentally, but we need to keep positive and enjoy the health benefits  and euphoria which arises from a nice run.
   Do me a favor, next time you run on the treadmill at your local gym or are outside with the cold wind blowing in your face, think of me and "The Art and Zen of Running". Think about this blog and about the realities of running. Once you have acknowledged that sometimes it can get boring, put your mind into a place where it is on top of the world again and your run will end positively and energetically.
   If you are on the treadmill in the winter time and are finding it boring, here are some helpful tips to keep it entertaining.

1) play with the elevation. Keep changing it going from 0-5 in 5 minute intervals

2) try running with your iPod and try adding new music to your playlist

3) turn on the television and watch it while you run (keep your head straight though)

4) listen to an audio book that you are interested in

5) walk for a bit if you are getting bored, then try running again in walk/run intervals

Ryan Fahey
B.A Human Kinetics
CPTN Canada
NCCP Canada

1 comment:

  1. This is great! I have found the right music makes all the difference. The audiobooks are great, but more for the steady jogs. If I really want to get moving, I think the best thing is crankin' tunes I'd usually dance to at clubs, etc.
