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Saturday 31 March 2012

Exercise and gas prices

       What a great time to start exercising! Gas prices have never been higher (in NS); the weather has never been so mild (for march) and tomorrow is April fool's day. The government decided on no longer fabricating penny's for our nation's currency and well, that is a way to pat our good friend, "inflation" on the back. So, let's just sit back and absorb all of this information. We live is a beautiful country...YES. We live in a free country....YES.
        Knowing this, I cannot think of a better time to go to your local store and buy a pair of running shoes. Today would be a great day to start  running. Sure, you reading this thinking "Ryan, you are crazy for telling me to buy running shoes when money is so tight". As much as I agree with you, running shoes are only going to go up in price with all of this mass inflation. If you invested $80.00 into a good pair of running shoes it may actually be cheaper than filling up your vehicle and could sustain you and your exercise intentions of running for 6-8 months. Buying running shoes will allow you the opportunity to run, jog or even walk to work and start saving on your gas tab which is emptying many companies, businesses and families wallets all over the country. This is no April fools joke.     
        So lace up your new pair running shoes, grab a friend and get outside during this nice spring season and start moving your body to work, to the park, to your school or to wherever it is you spend a lot of time at outside your home. Just start by getting both exercise and work in together by walking to work instead of driving and trying to find time at the end of the day to get to the gym. In the long run, (hahaha) you will be better off and save money on your gas bill!  Have a good April fools day.

Ryan Fahey
B.A Human Kinetics
CPTN Canada

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