One of the best things you can do for yourself is to live a lifestyle which supports self preservation. You're probably asking yourself, "Ryan, what does this look like and how is this possible?"
First, let's define self preservation. In layman's terms, self preservation could be defined as a series of smart, intuitive decisions which leads to the preservation of your life. Each day we wake and are encouraged to make many decisions from what we wear, what we eat and when we will go to bed that night. Within these decisions we should constantly be thinking about our self preservation.
For example, a person decides that they are going out on the town despite working early the next few days. Impulsively, this would most likely be fun and foster good feelings. However, if you are thinking about self preservation you would imagine yourself during those following two days of work. Picture yourself feeling tired and worn out. Another example is nutrition (or lack of it). We often buy food that is cheap and easy to cook. Such food is not necessarily the best choice for our bodies to work and function properly in good health. A series of bad nutritional decisions can lead to a break down in our self preservation and even lead us to become sick and tired.
Now, let's couple these two examples above which together become a series of decisions which goes against our self preservation. Making decisions which do not promote self preservation can hurt us not only physically and mentally but it can also tarnish our work performance. We need to stay sharp and at our greatest form of preservation in order to perform well at our jobs. It is very easy to lead a fun life constantly making decisions which lead us to wonder why things happen to us, why we're ill or exhausted and worn out within our careers. I'm here to say stay focused and proactive in your decision making in order to live a life of self preservation!
Ryan Fahey
B.A Human Kinetics
CPTN Canada
Canfitpro FIS, PTS
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