April is such a beautiful time of year. The winter weather is an after thought, the birds are out and the greenway is beginning to look lush again. It is hard to believe that with all of the beauty that comes with this month there are still many of us who sit inside our homes like its winter. Kids are in their ‘post school’ video game routine and you are probably still trying to adjust to all the changes that may be coming at your job. Spring break is over and you are anxiously awaiting summer.
However, we sometimes need a reminder that this time of year is the perfect time to focus on physical family wellness. Many trails are newly renovated, pools are open and tennis courts are cleaned up for safe activity. So, you and your family may need to use some of these tips to help break your winter routines to help enhance your physical family wellness.
-Clean the yard together as a family
-Get the shrubs and garden ready for the growing season (allow your children to help)
-Start planning 1-2 family walks/bikes per week after school
-Plan a family picnic at a local park on Saturday or Sunday
-Make weekly trips to the local farmers market
-Enrol your children in a spring recreation sports league
-Join your own adult recreation sports league
-Download some audio books for a ‘personal walk’ once per week
-Join a local fitness facility and/or association (tennis, swimming, etc..)
-Set your alarm 1 hour earlier and get some outdoor exercise in before work
All of these are good ways you can improve you and your family’s physical wellness. It is important for us to remember as adults that we are role models for our families and friends. If we can schedule in physical activity as leaders in our family then our children will also see it’s importance to their lives as you actively participate in physical activity together.
Remember, keep it simple and keep it fun. Turn spring in to the season of making new family memories together through regular physical activity.
Ryan Fahey